Miss Sue sent me shinys!
I did me some spinning
Merino Silk, sorta aranish, 105yds, no idea of the weight as the scales are broke!
Yorkie came to visit! we went to a medievil fayre in the rain...
Maxman and i did some spinning (Yorkie did too but the less said about that the better ;) )
Sunday we went to see some Scotland!
looked at the views
Yorkie brought me things:
a hundredweight of yarn! (more on that on friday.)
Super duper green Docs!
I got post on saturday morn:
I got these i cast on and my 10.30 on sunday i was wearing this:
yup a sweater in a day woo me
pattern yarn rowan chunky print, girly print
My daddy managed to procur me this...
A brother KH-950i electroknit machine! looks awfy complicated dunnit... which would be when some instructions would help, if anyone knows anything about it please get in touch!
I also got a book from the lovely Ms Glittr
hopefully it will mean I am no longer a crochet free zone!
Y'know, after that walk to Signal Rock, I discovered that I was COVERED in midge bites. COV. ERED.
And, HEY! It was my first time spinning! Gimme a break!
Had a fab time with yours and looking forward to visiting again. :)
Hello, this is the first i've visited your site and i was just wondering if you had any luck with finding a manual for your elektroknit? I while back i was given one by my grandma but minus a manual.
I found one to download for free a while back but never had the time and now i cant find it anywher.
If you had more luck than me i would love to hear from you on amba_illingworth@yahoo.co.uk.
Nice spinning by the way, my mums got a wheel and you've got me interested in trying it out.
Ciao, xx
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