Sunday, February 11, 2007

Muppetry and Mourning

I forgot to mention yesterday that my computer got very very ill this week, in fact it may well be terminal but i havent brought myself to try and fix it yet... So thats a bummer all round, 5 years worth of stuff swallowed by the big you didnt back up you eejit blackhole, altho i do still have some of it on this puta so its not all lost but still you know!

Also a slight correction to thelist of things from glittr, the chocolate as i discovered upon going to eat it is not in fact a chocolate its a little pot of cunningly disguised lip balm!

Just goes to show you cant judge a book by its cover...

1 comment:

Ceallach said...

OOOOH I hate that when you puta crashes in an unforeseen way, as opposed to the times that it provides notice of failure such that you have sufficient time to do said backups......

The noive!