Went up to Inverness at the weekend, en route we took a wee detour to Twist Fibre Craft which was most most fantabulous, i was good an only bought some beadses mother was less restrained...
On the way home my gran presented me with a fun fur scarf kit, now iknow some folks like that kinda thing but well I'm not one of them but since i was in the car and had nothng else to knit (entrelac socks hate me) i made these instead!
Then on Sunday night the loverlicious Peri and her hubby came to stay over en route to the Fair Isle, loverly loverly folkiesand since they couldnt bring me a real kitty they brought tis
as well as the loverly choccie goodness and some rootbeer nyom!
Monday to Wednesday i was away at Firbush outdoor centre on Loch Tay with uni so we could "bond" which i think we did I had a shot at windsurfing, (hopefully pictures will be forthcoming) i managed to remian upright a few times but more often thannot i was submerged i n the very cold loch!!
Being the insomniac i am i got up early and took some pretty pictures
There were also a lot of pretty rainbows
While there i did some sock knitting:
2 at once! no SSS!
On the way home after mum picked me up we went to ikea for tea (meatballs yum!) as we were coming out we saw this
doesnt fully justifyy how red it was but well. It looked like the end of the World was nigh!
When i got home i had parcels awaiting, some 2,25mm bamboo DPNs, i will make the entrelac socks my bitch
Also a parcel from Suuuuue
Mushoom stitch markers! wheee
Another sock in progress transportaion device... some closeups?
funky no? this one has even more inner holding bits!!
Betrayal! Betrayal of the sisterhood with that BLACK FUN FUR! UAUAUUAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGGGH! (runs round in a circle and passes out on the floor)
I love that bag!!! Where in the world did you find that? Its the best ever. I have never even seen material like that.
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